Busnes Bach Cymraeg | Small Welsh Business
Croeso i Del, busnas bach wedi ei leoli yn ardal Porthmadog sy'n cynnig sesiynau Tylino Babi i deuluoedd. Mae'r rhaglen Babis Del yn 5 o sesiynau wythnosol yn ffocysu ar darn gwahanol o gorff babi bob sesiwn drwy annog cysywllt, bond a chariad rhwng y rhiant, gwarchodwr gyda ei babi(s) drwy gydol y rhalen 5 wythnos.
Rydym yn dilyn rhaglen IAIM UK (International Association of Infant Massage)
Welcome to Del, a small business that is based in Porthmadog area to offer Baby Massage sessions to families. The Babis Del programme is 5 weekly sessions, forcusing on different body area every week while encouraging contact, touch, bond and love between parent, guardian and the baby(ies) throughout the 5 weeks.
We are following IAIM (International Association of Infant Massage UK)

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Busnes Bach sydd wedi ei ddechrau gan Mam o Borthmadog sydd wedi gweld bwlch yn grŵpiau Teulu. Ar ol bod ar 2 gyfnod mamolaeth (un yn ystod Cofid) mi ddaeth yn amlwg bod bwlch mawr dal i fod ar ol y pandemig stopio grwpiau gyfarfod. Gan mod i wedi hyfforddi mewn tylino babi efo IAIM 6 mlynedd yn ol, roedd cychwyn "Del" yn gyfle i gymeryd y cam ymlaen i gynnig rhywbeth yn y gwagle hono i deuluoedd yr ardal. Rhoi cyfleoedd i rhieni deimlo agosrwydd at ei babis wrth hefyd gael cyfle i gymdeithasu â rhieni eraill. Mae'n mor bwysig cael y cyfle.
Mi rydw i yn teimlo'n gryf bod yn bwysig i bawb deimlo'n gartrefol mewn sesiynau hefo'i babi, a hoffwn greu yr awyrgylch yma gora y gallaf.
Small Business that began with a Mum that found a gap in Family groups. After 2 maternity leaves (first during covid days) it became apparent that there is a big gap of those groups that had to stop during the pandemic, that never re-opened. As I already had my IAIM training 6 years ago, starting "Del" was an opportunity for me to step into the gap that was in the local area. Giving parents a chance to feel close to their babies while also socialising with other parents. It's just so important to have this chance.
I feel it is important for everyone to feel at home and comfortable during baby group sessions, during the group sessions, I will do all I can to make the atmosphere welcoming.
What are the benefits of Massage for Baby?
Helping your baby to feel securely attached.Helping your baby feel more loved, valued and respected.Reduced crying and emotional distressIncreased levels of relaxation and longer sleep.Development of body awareness and co-ordination.Relief from wind, colic, constipation and teething doscpmfort.
What are the benefits of Baby Massage for the Parent/Carer?
Feel closer to your baby.Gaining a better understanding of your baby’s behaviour, crying and body language.Providing an enjoyable opportunity for one-to-one time with your baby.Feeling the relaxing effects of giving your baby a massage, increasing confidence in your ability to care and nurture your baby.Learning a life long parenting skill.A chance to mix with other parents & caregivers
Why do I have to book a block of 5 sessions?
I follow the IAIM (international association of infant massage) which is a programme which includes massaging your baby from legs, stomach, chest, arms, back and face as well as some gentle movements. This is spaced out over 5 weekly sessions or 5 sessions in total which allow you and your baby to gain confidence and knowledge on massage.

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