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01/04/25 Plantos Chwareus | Playful Kiddos (PAYG)

01/04/25 Plantos Chwareus | Playful Kiddos (PAYG)


1 sesiwn yn Penrhyndeudraeth 01.04.25

11:15am - 12:15pm


Mae'n rhaid i'ch plantos fod rhwng 0-4 oed.

Mae Plantos Chwareus yn sesiwn sydd yn agored i Babis, Toddlers a'i rhiant/gofalwr ddod i gymdeithasu efo eraill ac i chwarae mewn lle saff efo'i babi/plant.


Mae'r sesiynau yma yn dilyn trefniant chwarae rhydd sydd yn golygu gallwch fentro i chwarae efo popeth sydd yn y sesiwn, ar y matiau, tent sensori, fframiau dringo, si-so, blociau balans, creu crefft etc. Mae ganddoch fel gofalwr i'r plantos, gyfle i fentro efo'ch babis a trio/chwarae efo pethau newydd.

Mi fydd bob sesiwn yn cychwyn efo can croeso, bydd hefyd cyfle yn y sesiwn i ganu efo cerddoriaeth cefndir neu cymeryd rhan mewn "Amser Creu".


Bydd "Amser Creu" yn amser ble gallwch gymeryd rhan mewn sesiwn crefftau, sensori neu cyfle i dawnsio o dan y parachute. Mae'r sesiynau yma yn greadigol ac yn wahanol bob wythnos gyda them. Does dim rhaid cymeryd rhan yn y darn yma o'r sesiwn, ond bydd gan pawb y cyfle i wneud.


Bydd panad ar gael yn ystod y sesiwn, bydd cyfrifoldeb ar yr oedolyn yno i ofalu bod y panad allan o gyrraedd babis.


Pam ddim dod i weld beth ydi o?


Mae'r sesiwn yn agored i babis o oed geni hyd a plant hyd at 4 oed. Mae cost y sesiwn fesul teulu, felly mae posib i mwy nac 1 plentyn mynychu o fewn teulu.


1 session



Playful Kiddos is for children aged 0-4years.


Playful Babies is a session designed for parents or care givers to come with thier babies and toddlers to socialise with others and play with their babies/child in a safe environment.


This sessions follows an open play session guide where you are able to play freely with things during the session. This means you and your child could play in the sensory tent, climbing frame, see-saw, stepping stones, or spend time on the mats playing with sensory toys and craft activity.

Every session will begin with the welcome song, there will also be time for you to sing with your babies with the background music and take part in "Time to Create".


Time to Create will be time in the session where we do craft items, sensory play, or dancing under the parachute. This activity will be creative and will be different every week with a theme. You do not have to take part in this part of the session, but everyone will have the chance to take part.


There will be a cup of tea and chat during each session. The responsibility for keeping the hot drinks away from babies will fall onto the adults drinking the beverages.


Why don't you come and see what it is all about?


Sessions are for babies from birth and up to 4 years old. You book per family, meaning multiple children are able to attend.

  • Cyfrifoldeb | Responsibility

    Mi fyddwch chi fel rhiant/gofalwr yn gyfrifol am eich babis yn ystod y sesiwn. Ni fydd modd i chi adael eich plentyn heb orychwiliaeth yn ystod y sesiwn. 

    You as a parent/carer will be responsible for your baby(ies) during the session. There will be no time during the session to leave your child un-supervised. 

  • Canslo | Cancelled

    Os na fyddwch yn gallu mynychu y sesiwn ar ol bwcio, yn anffodus bydd dim ffordd i chi gael arian yn ol am y sesiwn byddwch wedi methu. 

    Yr unig amser bydd modd cael taliad yn ol bydd os am unrhyw rheswm bydd y sesiwn cyfa yn gorfod cael ei ganslo. 

    If you are unable to attend a session after booking, unfortunatley you will not be able to get any money back for the session missed. 

    The only reason you will be able to get any money back from sessions is if for whatever reason I have to cancel the whole session.

  • Lleoliad | Location

    Neuadd Goffa Penrhyndeudraeth Village Hall

    (Ystafell i'r ochr / side room)


  • Dyddiad & Amser | Date & Time

    Amser | Time 11:15am-12:15pm


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